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Junk-Bot Robot
Have you ever made Robots using bits and pieces from around the house. Our Junk Bot Robot creative guide shows how to make transient art...
Crumpled POO Face
Crumpled faces made from empty toilet paper rolls could be the new art for the bath room. These comical faces say it all when it comes to...
Time for Adventure with Shurjo: A Creative Kid!
Hello I'm Shurjo, my dad makes sculptures from paper. I help. Would you like to come on an imaginative journey with me?
Meet Kunal Kundu, a crumpled paper artist.
Kunal Kundu is a crumpled paper artist, he takes paper and turns it into amazing animal sculptures by just crumpling it! He has even...
Clay Doughnut with Sprinkles
You can make this adorable airdry clay doughnut with icing and sprinkles. Check out our guide for how to create your own sprinkles from...
Story Board Presentation
A Story Board set the scene for imagination to take place. What story will you create?
Diorama: A Story in a Box
Building a diorama is a fun and creative way to tell a story. Instead of telling the story with words, the story is created with images,...
3D Shapes to Make
Greate 3D shapes with these templates. Cut, colour and make.
Crazy Paper Hat Sculptures
Go crazy with these awesome paper hat sculptures . Use this guide to get started or create your own style. Challenge yourself: get creative
Turtle Bay with Clay
Create a beach scene with oven baked clay. Turtle Bay clay sculpture by Artzee Kids because kids are creative at home or school.
Comic Book Cake Sculpture
Confuse your family with this fake cake made in a comic book style. Artzee Kids are Creative Kids
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